64 oz Growler
This is our Growler option with 1 flavor choice. Want 2 different flavors on subscription basis? Check out our our "Local Bundles" featuring 2 growler flavors and a Tribe of Intentions 6-pack at our bundle discount!
Choose a "refill" if you have a FEK growler to swap out. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Please leave all (clean) FEK growlers outside on delivery day for swapping.
Growlers are for *Local Delivery ONLY*. We do not ship them. Thank you!
see pictures for ingredients & nutritional info
Local Delivery Info
Refund Policy
Alcohol Disclaimer
-Growlers are for *Local Delivery to ONLY*. We do not ship them.
-Choose a “refill” if you have a FEK growler to swap out. Please leave all (clean) FEK growlers outside for “swaps”.
-*** Delivery Times: We deliver to most of Central/South Lee County and North Collier county on Tuesdays. We deliver to the North/ East Lee County & some of Charlotte County on Fridays. Deliveries are done 10A-3P. Delivery Instructions: Please leave a cooler with ice/packs outside if you will not be home. Please leave a Cash Tip for your driver or Venmo to @flyingeaglekombucha with Order Number in comments.