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Botanical Highlight: Elderflower


Updated: Aug 26, 2020

The first post in our new series “botanical highlight” features the under appreciated of the elders: “elderflower”. The beautiful white to pale cream-colored, dainty flowers of the elder tree, which helps power the nutrients available to grow the infamous “elderberry”.

You might have heard of Elderflower as a botanical gin, or syrup added to cocktails, and when marinated even as a substitute for capers (huh!), but it has also been used for thousands of years as medicine. And the other night, I used our Elderflower Kombucha with Anejo Tequila and mango chunks as ice (so good).

Its medicinal uses are for respiratory diseases, sinusitis, influenza, swine flu, bronchitis, inflammation, constipation, and it’s also used as a diuretic and for relieving symptoms and conditions related to diabetes. (Ho GT, Kase ET, Wangensteen H, Barsett H.)

It encourages water to leave the body in sweat as well, helping you release all the toxins when fighting flus and viruses and cough and cold. And as the tannins in elderflower create astringent action, it helps to dry up runny eyes and runny noses, aiding in allergies, and also reduces inflammation and irritation in the sinuses. (Bowden)

Research conducted in Ireland showed that elderflower also was impressively effective in combatting various hospital pathogens such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)1, or “staph infection”.

This and other studies such as a 1995 study in Hadassah, its showed how Elderflower can be effective against human, swine and avian flu strains. (Bowden)

And as for the elderberry— touted for its amazing immune boosting capabilities and power against the flu, It was interesting to find in research, that elderflower transcends the power of elderberry in some ways. The applications of elderflower can be attributed to its characteristic chemical composition, which includes essential oils, free fatty acids, flavonoids and their glycosides, phenolic acids, carotenoids, vitamins and minerals. (Viapiana, A., Wesolowski, M.)

Versus elderberry this is what was found:

Herbal Infusions (basically tea) prepared from elderflowers contained more abundant phenolic compounds than the elderberry infusions.

Phenolic acids are a group of secondary metabolites that are widely distributed in plants, and several studies have reported their inhibitory effect on the growth of pathogens and cancer cells. Phenolic compounds provide anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antiallergic, vasoprotective and anti- carcinogenic activities. Therefore, elder beverages could be important dietary sources of natural antioxidants that contribute to the prevention of diseases caused by oxidative stress. (Viapiana, A., Wesolowski, M.)

Affirming the responses shown in research, in this same 2017 study looking into the flower’s phenolic acids, its shown that chlorogenic acid has antioxidative (protects from free radicals/disease), hepatoprotective (protects the liver) and hypoglycemic activities (lowers blood sugar); and gallic acid has been used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease due to its antioxidant activity; and rosmarinic acid is praised for many biological activities such as HIV-1 inhibition and antitumor and antihepatitis activities. (Viapiana, A., Wesolowski, M.)

Yea… really a magical flower, from “the goddess tree”! She symbolizes birth, death, transformation, and new beginnings. I am definitely sipping on our Elderflower Kombucha lately, to help me through personal and business waves, and to aid in getting deeper into meditation and yoga.

Acknowledging where we are, and moving forward with what we can. All about the flow.

goddess, elderflower
in German, meaning: the Moon Woman, Elderflower
Our Elderflower Kombucha is what we call our “champagne-style” Elderflower Kombucha. She is nice and dry with natural light sweetness of the Elderflower.

She is also our decaf option, and can accompany you at dinner and cozy on the couch watching your current Netflix series, or while reading and writing. Let her flow with you in your transformation. Order it on our website for local delivery.

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Bowden, Tom, Elderflower tea: a pre-historic healing medicine, Teapro,

Ho GT, Kase ET, Wangensteen H, Barsett H. Effect of Phenolic Compounds from Elderflowers on Glucose- and Fatty Acid Uptake in Human Myotubes and HepG2-Cells. Molecules. 2017;22(1):90. Published 2017 Jan 6. doi:10.3390/molecules22010090

The Elder Mother; The Queen of Herbs,

Viapiana, A., Wesolowski, M. The Phenolic Contents and Antioxidant Activities of Infusions of Sambucus nigra L.. Plant Foods Hum Nutr 72, 82–87 (2017).

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